
Founded in the Fall of 2017, Oasis Milford exists to provide a community for 18-29 year old young adults who are living, working or studying in the tri-state area. We also have a few college students from the area that attend college out of the area and zoom in as well. We are an inter-denominational and ecumenical group open to anyone and centered on the belief that the Christian Bible is our source of truth for living an abundant life through a relationship with Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit. Our focus is on building each other up as we Play, Pray, Ponder and Praise.

We are moving to a fully young adult led group under the direction and nurture of Sean McFeely and Amy Filep, two 'ancient ones' that believe in investing in young adults in our area. We are accountable to the Elders of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church (EPC). EPC graciously provides the non-profit umbrella into which our financial supporters give. Our annual operating expenses include snacks, supplies, curriculum, fellowship events, the annual Jubilee Conference or Retreat, and miscellaneous other expenses. If you would like to support our ministry, please send a check made out to "Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Milford" with "Oasis Milford Fund" in the memo portion.

Mail checks to: Evangelical Presbyterian Church

c/o Giving

PO Box 128

Milford, PA 18337-0128

To give online please use the button below, and include "Oasis Milford Fund" in the Note Section: